Thursday, March 26, 2020

Best Essay Tutoring in Portland Oregon

Best Essay Tutoring in Portland OregonThe best essay tutoring in Portland Oregon can be found at our institute. Our tutors are experienced and very friendly, and have excellent written communication skills. The basic type of essay question, a student can expect from us is a question regarding personality or temperament, and they may want a professional to give a clinical interpretation.Other questions are more of a general nature and these could also be from a student's job background or hobbies and relate to competitive results. All these essays require writing in an articulate and persuasive manner.Based on the student's expectations, and the kind of essay that we teach, a faculty member will be chosen to do the tutoring sessions. This is a combination of written communication skills and an understanding of the student's personality types.Tutoring can be as much of a part-time job as it is a full-time commitment for students. In these times of job insecurity many students are inter ested in short term tutoring, as it is a great form of 'quick cash'.We are the best essay tutoring in Portland Oregon and at various other locations in the state. We can not guarantee that our tutors will answer all of your essay questions, but we can guarantee that they will give you more than what you will get from other institutions. You will find that in this unique and exciting way of getting the right help that we are able to help you to grow and learn at the same time.In conclusion we would like to encourage you to visit our website for more information and for the best essay tutoring in Portland Oregon. We look forward to working with you and will be happy to show you exactly what we can do for you and for your career.Essay assistance for students can provide a wealth of opportunities, which will help them to learn at a faster rate. That's why we are committed to making sure that the level of a student's learning and growth is constantly assessed and modified according to hi s personal needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Ask a Medical School Admissions Expert Dr. Jessica Freedman

Ask a Medical School Admissions Expert Dr. Jessica Freedman Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Dr. Jessica Freedman has not only written three best-selling books on the Medical School admissions process, she is the founder of her own consulting firm. Having previously served on the Medical School Admissions committee for The Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, Dr. Freedman has closely assisted many residents and medical students through the admissions process with great success. She has received several honors including numerous awards for her mentorship at Mount Sinai and is extremely well-recognized for her expertise in this field. VT: How much time should an applicant set aside to adequately prepare for and complete a med school application? Jessica: The major components of the written application are the personal statement and application entries. I advise applicants to start jotting down insights about their experiences as they complete them so, ideally, the process should start years before the applicant has to submit the formal written application. However, the most intensive brainstorming and writing should begin about three to five months before an applicant plans to submit. The best applications show insight and introspection, which results from allowing documents to simmer over time. In other words, rather than working on a personal statement intensely over one or two weeks, it is best to work on it a bit, put it aside, and then come back to it with fresh eyes. VT:What is the single most important thing applicants should focus on with this application? Jessica: This question is tough to answer because each individual medical school application reviewer has his or her own preferences and ideas about what is most important when deciding whom to interview. One reviewer may rely heavily on the personal statement, for example, while another might focus on the application entries. Finally, a school may put a lot of weight on secondary essays that are submitted after the primary application. I encourage applicants to approach each piece of the application as if it might make or break the candidacy. VT:What are the biggest mistakes one can make on a med school application? Jessica: The biggest mistake some applicants make is not spending enough time on the written application. Many applicants think that because they have a great GPA or MCAT score, for example, that their written application wont make a difference so they rush their work without highlighting experiences and personal milestones in the most effective way. With more than 43,000 applicants applying to medical school each year, your written application must distinguish you from other candidates whether you are a viable candidate for a top-10 school or a less competitive state school. VT: What do med school admissions officers look for most in an applicants essays/personal statements? Jessica: Medical school admissions officers are looking for a commitment to medicine, maturity, compassion, sensitivity, maturity, professionalism, the ability to succeed in a rigorous scientifically based curriculum, among many other attributes. Most applicants cannot possess every attribute that medical school admissions committees like to see in applicants and that is okay! VT:Is there anything on a students application that would automatically disqualify him or her from being considered for the program? Jessica: Nothing, other than a poor academic record, automatically disqualifies an applicant. We are all human and make errors in judgment, especially when we are young. I have had clients who were accepted to medical school despite academic dishonesty, institutional actions, and misdemeanors. As long as an applicant presents mistakes in the right way and can show what she has learned from an experience, these incidents are not always deal breakers. In fact, such mistakes can sometimes work to an applicants advantage if presented in the most effective way. VT:What about the med school admissions process differs the most from undergraduate admissions? Jessica: I am not an undergraduate admissions expert, but I think the intense focus of the med school admissions process most distinguishes it from undergraduate admissions. Medical school admissions committees like applicants with diverse interests, but, fundamentally, all applicants must demonstrate an interest in, and aptitude for, medicine and science. Applicants also do not have as much freedom to apply to schools that are the right fit as they do during the college process. Because medical school admission is so competitive, applicants must apply to multiple medical schools, and, if they are lucky, they then can choose from among acceptances. VT:What undergrad majors best prepare one for med school applications? Jessica: Medical schools are seeking diverse classes and this extends to the majors of accepted applicants. Many applicants major in a science because this is where many of their interests lie. But it really doesnt matter what major you choose as long as you are true to yourself. Medical school admissions committee members want to see that you are committed to everything you pursue. That said, if you do decide to major in a non-scientific discipline, be sure to take some upper level science courses to show you can do well beyond the prerequisites. VT:Is there anything you might see on a students application that would quickly put them ahead in the running? Jessica: A very high GPA and MCAT often result in automatic interviews. Many medical schools wont advertise this, however. Without question, an outstanding academic performance will put you ahead of others during the initial screening process. You must then have the activities and letters of reference to add to your academic achievements, however. VT: What advice do you have regarding MCAT test prep? Jessica: Every applicant has his own way to study and prep for the MCAT that works for him. Some do very well studying on their own while others need the structure of a course to keep them on track. I therefore advise students to review their past successes (or failures) to determine the best study plan. I dont find much difference between big name test prep companies, and the quality of individual teachers and tutors they provide can very tremendously. What I do advise is that students prepare for the exam as they complete each of the prerequisites that will be tested; I find that most students prefer Examcrackers study books for this purpose. VT: What do med school admissions officers look for in recommendation letters? Jessica: Letters of reference offer objective evaluations of your candidacy. In these letters, as in every part of the application, medical school admissions officers are looking for evidence that applicants possess the very long list of qualities and characteristics they are seeking (see my book, The MedEdits Guide to Medical School Admissions for this list). Letters of reference should substantiate and offer further evidence for the claims you make in your application entries and personal statement. Admissions officers are also looking for letters that are genuine and not formulaic. Go to Dr. Freedmans website, MedEdits Medical Admissions, for more information.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Educator of the Year Award

Educator of the Year Award Oradell, NJ March 11, 2015 Huntington Learning Center, one of the leading tutoring centers in America, awarded Lita Gottesman the 2014 Educator of the Year award last month. Huntington Learning Center announced the prestigious award at its annual Company Center Convention held at the Teaneck Marriott at Glen Pointe. The convention was a time to honor staff members and their dedicated work. Lita is one of the most requested teachers at Huntingtons Eastchester, NY center. She believes it is important to follow the curriculum and help every student reach his or her fullest potential. For example, Lita has converted students from the special education classrooms into regular education classrooms. Her willingness to work and assist in any situation is what makes Lita such an inspiration to students. Huntington has been fortunate enough to have Lita as a teacher for 12 years. One Huntington parent explained: My son would not even pick up a book. He could barely read in the fourth grade! After working with Lita these past two months, he cannot put the books down! With a Bachelors of Arts in education, along with a double major in political science and history, teaching has always been a huge part of her life. Lita has been in the education profession since 1958.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Learning English with Television Series Friends

Learning English with Television Series Friends A lot of my English students tell me they like to practice their English listening skills by watching television series from the U.S. Big Bang Theory, Friends and Two and a Half Men are the series that come up most often.Ill admit it right now, I dont like any of these shows. I think their jokes are obvious, easy and not very original. I greatly prefer The Office and Louie. When I first discovered that people outside the U.S. like these shows so much, I was about as disappointed as when I learned a good Argentine friend of mine really loves going to McDonalds. Really, our culture does have better things to offer than McDonalds and Friends.But, I can completely understand why these shows would be popular for English learners, precisely for the reasons I mentioned above. The jokes arent that difficult to understand, and the shows have just the right combination of interesting and simple to keep someone who is learning a language interested. I do the same think when Im learning  Spanis h, but I use Pixar movies.So, despite my dislike of these shows personally, Im going to try to use them as listening exercises in more of our articles. Here we go.They wouldnt let me post this video from YouTube, but you can watch it here.What does Phoebe yell at the beginning?Go ahead and _____.Its a nice story, I _____ ____ its a _____ ____ ____.Yeah, I just dont ___ __.What does Phoebe mean when she says Dont get me started on Gravity.Uh oh, its Issac Newton, and hes ______.What does Phoebe say the really question is?How does Phoebe win the argument?I cant believe you _____.What does the line above mean?Ok, I have to admit I laughed at some of that. Contact us if youre interested in taking a class, or have any questions. Integrates GoogleMaps 3.0 to Improve Usability of its Online Service Integrates GoogleMaps 3.0 to Improve Usability of its Online Service Los Angeles, California, July 19th, 2012, a leading nation-wide tutoring referral service now supports  GoogleMaps 3 as to previously version 2.  Version 3 of Google Maps is faster, slicker and more applicable both to traditional browsers and to mobile devises. GoogleMaps 3 provides numerous features for manipulating maps which makes  identifying  of the tutors location easy and quick.  These maps display the location of the tutors in their respective tutoring profiles, e.g. algebra tutor in Port Hueneme, CA.  The new map zooms in an out smoothly, supports satellite and terrain view.  The icon in the center represents a tutor and features a drop shadow. Holding your mouse over this tutor brings up a title such as Tutor James in Los Angeles, CA. Googles obligatory mentioning of its copyright and terms of use links are less obtrusive.  Clicking on the Google link opens up a large-scale version of the map.  The coolest feature, however, is to drag the observer icon into the street of the tutor to switch to the actual street view.  Now a student can familiarize himself with the place of tutoring to quicker get to his destination. TutorZ’ platform helps students and parents freely and easily network to find a tutor over the Internet. The search engine maintains a simple and clean construction. Site users looking for homework help, test preparation, and other tutor help have the option to search by keyword or subject (Math, English, Science, etc) and area (Brooklyn, Houston, Ohio). The search engine currently lists over 55,000 tutor profiles nationwide, a number that is expanding daily. Tutoring information is compiled into easy to read tutor profiles that include certifications, credentials, professional experience, awards, degrees, references, pictures, location, and peer reviews. Relevance ranking and filters empower students to quickly hone in to the perfect tutor. Tutors listed in the Tutorz’ directory cover academic studies including math, English, languages, business, accounting,  physics,  biology, chemistry and many more. For additional information on contact Dirk Wagner (CEO Founder) at or Dariya Lopukhina (Director of Marketing) at ABOUT Tutorz â€" Founded in July of 2006 and launched at the beginning of 2007  by Dirk Wagner, operates a tutor referral service that helps parents and students find educational tutors. Currently Tutorz is based out of Los Angeles  and is a privately owned limited liability corporation (LLC) with four employees.  The site provides listings of over 55,000 private tutors nationwide. Visit to find the best tutor for you or your child. Integrates GoogleMaps 3.0 to Improve Usability of its Online Service Los Angeles, California, July 19th, 2012, a leading nation-wide tutoring referral service now supports  GoogleMaps 3 as to previously version 2.  Version 3 of Google Maps is faster, slicker and more applicable both to traditional browsers and to mobile devises. GoogleMaps 3 provides numerous features for manipulating maps which makes  identifying  of the tutors location easy and quick.  These maps display the location of the tutors in their respective tutoring profiles, e.g. algebra tutor in Port Hueneme, CA.  The new map zooms in an out smoothly, supports satellite and terrain view.  The icon in the center represents a tutor and features a drop shadow. Holding your mouse over this tutor brings up a title such as Tutor James in Los Angeles, CA. Googles obligatory mentioning of its copyright and terms of use links are less obtrusive.  Clicking on the Google link opens up a large-scale version of the map.  The coolest feature, however, is to drag the observer icon into the street of the tutor to switch to the actual street view.  Now a student can familiarize himself with the place of tutoring to quicker get to his destination. TutorZ’ platform helps students and parents freely and easily network to find a tutor over the Internet. The search engine maintains a simple and clean construction. Site users looking for homework help, test preparation, and other tutor help have the option to search by keyword or subject (Math, English, Science, etc) and area (Brooklyn, Houston, Ohio). The search engine currently lists over 55,000 tutor profiles nationwide, a number that is expanding daily. Tutoring information is compiled into easy to read tutor profiles that include certifications, credentials, professional experience, awards, degrees, references, pictures, location, and peer reviews. Relevance ranking and filters empower students to quickly hone in to the perfect tutor. Tutors listed in the Tutorz’ directory cover academic studies including math, English, languages, business, accounting,  physics,  biology, chemistry and many more. For additional information on contact Dirk Wagner (CEO Founder) at or Dariya Lopukhina (Director of Marketing) at ABOUT Tutorz â€" Founded in July of 2006 and launched at the beginning of 2007  by Dirk Wagner, operates a tutor referral service that helps parents and students find educational tutors. Currently Tutorz is based out of Los Angeles  and is a privately owned limited liability corporation (LLC) with four employees.  The site provides listings of over 55,000 private tutors nationwide. Visit to find the best tutor for you or your child.

I am new at, what did I learn

I am new at, what did I learn Hello everybody! My name is Dariya and I’m a newcomer at What did I learn during my last days? First of all I’d like to mention that my life has changed significantly. In December 2011 has opened a marketing office in Donetsk, Ukraine. Our American boss Dirk Wagner is building our team on the concepts which are quite unusual for the Ukrainian companies (and probably not only for the Ukrainian ones). From the very first days when I came to our office I could feel that I was sincerely welcome here. It was a very surprising feeling because usually when you start to work in a new company you often can see suspicion and distrust in the eyes of your new colleagues. It always takes some time to win the confidence and to find friends among them. Good and warm relations from the very beginning this was the first lesson which I learned here. Dirk has become not only my new boss but also my private tutor as my duties included customer service and Internet marketing which were absolutely new activities for me. It took just several days for him to teach me the basics and the main surprise for me was that the study was neither intense nor boring at all. We had a lot of fun and I consider that it’s rather uncommon for tutoring process. Dirk was n’t my first tutor. Ukrainian educational system is very far from being perfect and although we learnt English at school for 6 years and also at University for 5 years but still the most part of my mates had great problems with speaking or at least understanding English. As for me although I graduated from a prestigious high school my mother had to hire a private tutor to improve my English when I was in high school and afterwards I had to continue my learning in a private English club. But my former tutors never were as well-wishing, patient and friendly as Dirk. So the second les son for me was that such kind of tutoring approach exists and can be effective. So during my first days at Tutorz’ team I gained not only basic knowledge of my new duties but I also realized that learning must not be boring and hard. On the contrary with a great tutor it can be interesting and fun process. And the main lesson is that the friendly and warm atmosphere at team makes the work not only pleasant but also very productive.

Kia Motors America and Advertising Age Announce Competition for Creative Minds

Kia Motors America and Advertising Age Announce Competition for Creative Minds via Entries will be accepted at  through September 30, 2018, after which six finalists will be chosen. These finalists will have their work featured on, where the grand prize winner will then be chosen by Ad Ages online audience. Voting will take place between October 15th and December 3rd. The grand prize winner will be announced on December 10th. At Kia, we are fueled by youth and design influences every aspect of the vehicles we produce. Styled and engineered by legends in the automotive industry, the Stinger brims with power, passion and performance and proves that Kia is different by design,” said Saad Chehab, vice president, marketing communications, Kia Motors America. “We are thrilled to share our passion for design and cultivate the innovators and stars of tomorrow.” Partnering with Advertising Age was a smart move by Kia. With their growing audience, Advertising Age is the perfect outlet for Kias competition to reach creative minds. Ad Age is a global media brand, where award-winning journalists publish stories focusing on creativity, innovation, people, and culture. As a trusted news source, Ad Ages online audience continues to grow, giving Kia Motors America the perfect platform for their creativity competition. “Our business celebrates youthful challengers, and we are proud to partner with Kia to help showcase the talents of the next generation of creative disruptors who can change the way we find meaning in marketing,” said Josh Golden, president and publisher, Ad Age. Kia Motors America has been recognized as one of the 100 Best Global Brans by Interbrand, and is also the official partner of the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA). With over 800 dealers in the United States, Kia Motors is proud to produce their cars in West Point, Georgia.